Previous Campaigns

Labor's 2024 NSW Budget — another austerity budget? - Abigail Boyd MP

Labor's 2024 NSW Budget — another austerity budget?

The NSW Labor Government are set to hand down their second Budget next week. They have hinted at another austerity budget, which is just not good enough.  Most recently, a $1 billion accounting error has been held up as an explanation for why the people...
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Take action to end gendered violence - Abigail Boyd MP

Take action to end gendered violence

1 in 4 — the number of women who have experienced intimate partner abuse since age 15  1 in 5 — the number of women who have experienced sexual violence since age 15  84 — the number of women killed so far in 2024  These are more than...
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Email the Gov to criminalise coercive control now! - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

Email the Gov to criminalise coercive control now!

Controlling behaviour is domestic abuse. It’s time the law recognised it.  After the Greens introduced a bill to do just that, a Joint Select Inquiry into Coercive Control was established in the NSW Parliament. That committee, composed of politicians from across the political spectrum, unanimously...
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Support the Clean Air Bill - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

Support the Clean Air Bill

We all have the right to breathe clean air. But right now, coal-fired power stations are pumping out toxic emissions that are increasing our risk of serious illness. That’s why we’ve introduced the Clean Air Bill. If passed, it would tighten emissions restrictions on all...
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What if you'd been getting a Universal Wellbeing Payment? - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

What if you'd been getting a Universal Wellbeing Payment?

Everyone deserves to have what they need to live a good life. But with many across the state forced out of work by ongoing lockdowns, making ends meet is only getting harder. This health crisis is new but the inequality it has exacerbated isn’t, and...
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Budget 2022: What would you choose? - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

Budget 2022: What would you choose?

Budgets are about choices. For too long the NSW Coalition Government has chosen profit over people, causing the rest of us to bear the burden of their poor budget choices. The Greens believe that our society must move towards a financial framework that looks after...
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A Future for Bylong - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

A Future for Bylong

The potential threat of a new coal mine can see once thriving-communities gutted. Local residents face years of campaigning and fighting to protect their local area, while others are driven out of the area for fear of the environmental impact coal mining will have on...
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Email MPs to support the Greens' two animal welfare bills - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

Email MPs to support the Greens' two animal welfare bills

Animals are sentient beings that feel joy, fear and pain. But because our laws and their enforcement are inadequate, animals in NSW do not receive the protection they deserve from cruelty and exploitation. That’s why I have introduced two Greens bills to Parliament which will...
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Slicosis: the new asbestos. Ban engineered stone.  - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

Ban engineered stone

Luxury benchtops are causing the premature deaths of thousands of workers in NSW and across the world. Over 105,000 workers in Australia have been diagnosed with silicosis from workplace related exposure and will likely lose their lives as a result. Current regulatory and enforcement mechanisms...
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Budget 2021: What would you choose? - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

Budget 2021: What would you choose?

Budgets are just choices made by those in power to determine who gets what. A Greens budget would choose to prioritise people and planet. What about you?
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Kickstart the EV Revolution - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

Kickstart the EV Revolution

Electric vehicles are better for our environment, cheaper to refuel and maintain, and emit no greenhouse gas pollution when powered by renewable energy. Which is why the NSW Treasurer’s recently announced plan to tax EV owners is such a huge step backwards.
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End period poverty in our schools - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

End period poverty in our schools

Everyone deserves access to basic sanitation, and that includes the 150,000 students in NSW public schools who menstruate. But right now, many young people in our schools are experiencing period poverty.  Period poverty in Australia is understudied, but countries overseas show us just how dire...
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Auslan Interpreters for all COVID pressers - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

Auslan Interpreters for all COVID pressers

Everyone should be able to access real-time information from the Government about COVID-19 and health orders. But currently, the NSW Government’s policy only requires Auslan interpreters to be present at COVID press conferences hosted by NSW Health. 
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Resist a police state in NSW - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

Resist a police state in NSW

The right to peaceful assembly is a cornerstone of our democracy. Any attempts to curb that right will be seen for what it is, an unconscionable assault on our civil and democratic rights.
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Protect Animals from Cruelty - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

Protect Animals from Cruelty

Animals are sentient beings that feel joy, fear and pain. But for too long, animals in NSW have been without the protection they deserve from cruelty and exploitation. 
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End drink spiking. End victim blaming.  - Abigail Boyd MP

End drink spiking. End victim blaming.

Is it a campaign to tackle drink spiking, or just more victim blaming?  “Pace yourself. Count your drinks, try a low-alcohol alternative, or have a ‘spacer’ of water between alcoholic drinks.  “Avoid shouts, drinking games or shots. Drink at your own pace, you don’t have...
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Sex Work is Work - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

Sex Work is Work

All workers, no matter their chosen profession, should be treated with dignity and respect inside and outside their workplace.  Yet despite New South Wales decriminalising sex work in 1995, sex workers are still routinely discriminated against. They are denied housing, refused services and are unnecessarily...
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Stop Wallarah 2 - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

Stop the Wallarah 2 coal mine

Whether it’s greenlighting the toxic underground Wallarah 2 coal mine that will consume gigalitres of our supply and threaten its contamination, or allowing the Mangrove Mountain rubbish tip to contaminate our catchment, this government has shown us time and time again that they will ignore...
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Clean Up Coal Ash - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

Clean Up Coal Ash

We all deserve the right to live in a clean, healthy and safe environment. But right now, too many communities across NSW are exposed to an increased risk of serious health concerns by living close to unlined dams full of coal ash waste.
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Don't Bulldoze Blackheath - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

Don't Bulldoze Blackheath

The future of freight is on rail. The NSW Government’s own report* agrees, saying “rail freight offers a fast, reliable, and safe alternative to roads”.
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Keep NSW Nuclear Free - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

Keep NSW Nuclear Free

A jobs rich, clean energy future in NSW is not just possible, it’s inevitable. But that hasn't stopped the Coalition planning to reverse a decades-old ban on uranium mining to prop up a global nuclear industry in terminal decline.
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Submission guide: Animal welfare reform discussion paper - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

Submission guide: Animal welfare reform discussion paper

The NSW Government’s Animal Welfare Reform Discussion Paper is currently open for public consultation, and it’s clear that the Government isn’t planning on going far enough to protect animals in NSW.  To ensure that we get the most thorough protections against animal cruelty, it’s crucial...
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Coal-fired power stations must clean up their mess! - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

Coal-fired power stations must clean up their mess!

The toxic legacy of coal-fired power cannot be forgotten as power stations shut. Our environment, community and economy have spoken — we are no longer reliant on coal-fired power.  More and more coal-fired power stations are making the move to fast-track their exit from coal...
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We Demand Clean Air - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

We Demand Clean Air

We all have the right to breathe clean air. But right now, coal-fired power stations are pumping out toxic emissions that are increasing our risk of serious illness.
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A Universal Wellbeing Payment for NSW - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

A Universal Wellbeing Payment for NSW

No matter who you are or what you do, everyone has the right to share in the wellbeing of our country. But at the moment the essentials so many of us need – a place to call home, food on the table, and everyday essentials...
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Speak up about greyhound welfare - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

Speak up about greyhound welfare

The NSW Legislative Council has established a Select Committee to inquire into the Greyhound Welfare & Integrity Commission (GWIC), and in particular its success and ability to regulate welfare in the greyhound racing industry in New South Wales. I am pleased to have been appointed...
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Coercive Control Bill 2020 - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

Coercive Control Bill 2020

  Everyone deserves to feel safe at home. But for so many, home is where they are most at risk.  Over the last decade, public awareness of domestic violence has grown, thanks to the tireless work of advocates like Rosie Batty. Yet despite that, at...
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Criminalise Coercive Control - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

Criminalise Coercive Control

Everyone deserves to feel safe at home. But for so many, home is where they are most at risk. 
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