Energy & Just Transitions

Public Energy for Public Good - Abigail Boyd MP

Public Energy for Public Good

Electricity is an essential service. But Labor and Liberal governments have sold off NSW’s energy assets and infrastructure, leaving us at the mercy of the private sector for our energy needs. The result has been soaring energy bills, with more and more people being forced...
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No nuking our renewables! - Abigail Boyd MP

No nuking our renewables!

The renewed debate about nuclear power is a dangerous smokescreen for keeping coal and gas in our system for longer.  The only ones who stand to benefit from this nuclear distraction are the fossil fuel industry – while we’re all arguing over a nuclear scheme...
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Clean up coal ash now! - Abigail Boyd MP (updated)

Clean up coal ash now!

The toxic legacy of coal-fired power cannot be forgotten as power stations shut.
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Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty - Abigail Boyd MP

Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

A new global movement is building in the fight for climate justice, calling for a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty. A better future is possible, but to get there we must be courageous. We must stand up to the fossil fuel lobby and the politicians they...
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