Budgets are about choices — it’s time we choose wellbeing!
Right now, people across our State are struggling with soaring cost of living pressures and rising energy bills. Our environment is being destroyed, hospital waiting lists are growing, and wages are going backwards. A government’s role should be to look after the wellbeing of the people they represent, but in NSW the government’s financial decisions are dictated by one overriding objective — maintaining the State’s credit rating. It’s time we made the wellbeing of people and planet the government’s budget priority.
The Greens’ Wellbeing Budget Bill would embed environmental, social and cultural outcomes as priorities of the NSW Government. The Treasurer would be required to produce a report within the budget papers on the wellbeing of our state, and provide a plan for how the budget will materially improve the quality of people’s lives and preserve our precious environment.
It’s time to make wellbeing the priority.
Email the Treasurer and key Ministers NOW demanding they pledge their support for the Greens’ Wellbeing Budget Bill!
Send an email now!