My Work

Strengthening our domestic violence laws

Today in Parliament Abigail spoke in support of the government's new domestic violence legislation that will strengthen our laws in relation to ADVO breaches, prevention orders, and expanding the definition of stalking to include technology related stalking.  

Celebrating Sex Worker Pride Day

Sex work is work! Today in Parliament, Abigail gave notice of a motion celebrating Sex Worker Pride Day and urged the NSW Government to commit to the full realisation of rights, respect and recognition of sex workers within policy and legislation.

An escalating crisis of modern slavery is unfolding among temporary migrant workers in rural NSW

Today in Parliament, Abigail gave notice of a motion regarding the recently tabled report by the NSW Modern Slavery Commissioner: ‘Be Our Guests: Addressing urgent modern slavery risks for temporary migrant workers in rural and regional NSW’ and urged the NSW Government to implement all of its recommendations.

Fossil fuel money is funding renewable energy misinformation

Today in Parliament, Abigail contributed to a debate in support of offshore wind initiatives and called out the conservative parties who peddle misleading claims about the potential environmental impacts of these projects to protect their coal and gas interests.

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