Western Harbour Tunnel and Beaches Link: Impact on Marine Life
In today's hearing for the inquiry into the Western Harbour Tunnel, Abigail quesitoned the marine risks that the tunnel poses...
Coastal Erosion
With the ongoing erosion of our beaches and coast line, today Abigail stood to speak of the need for a planned retreat. Especially in relation to areas on the coast like Wamberal...
Lake Macquarie Mining
Alarmed by reports that seismic testing was about to commence in Lake Macquarie with no community consultation, Abigail used Question Time to request information on what the Government was doing and whether...
Stockton Beach
Today in Question Time, Abigail asked about the ongoing erosion occuring at Stockton Beach due to the construction of artificial structures and what the long-term plans were to reverse this concerning trend....
Shark Nets
Today, Abigail used question time to ask when the Government would stop using shark nets in favour of more scientifically sound and non-lethal alternatives.