My Work

Commending Our Watch’s award-winning campaign: The Line

Today in Parliament, Abigail passed a motion celebrating Our Watch’s primary prevention campaign, "The Line," for promoting healthy, respectful relationships among young people, and urging the NSW Government to support sustainable, expert-led programs to prevent gendered violence.

Commemorating National Survivors' Day

Today in Parliament, Abigail moved a motion recognising National Survivors' Day, honouring survivors of sexual assault and institutional abuse, advocating for systemic change, and calling on the NSW Government to collaborate with survivors to dismantle barriers to justice and recovery.

Construction and contract cleaning workers deserve full access to their portable long service leave entitlements

Today Abigail spoke in support of a bill to rectify restrictions for construction and contract cleaning workers accessing portable long service leave, calling on the Federal Labor Government to go further in fixing the core issues that will continue denying these workers their entitlements. 

Greens challenge NSW Treasurer on Federal $900m Reform Plan

Today in Question Time, Abigail asked the NSW Treasurer about the Federal Treasurer’s announcement to offer States a share of $900 million if they agree to cut so-called red tape in a supposed bid to boost competition and reduce cost to businesses.

Solidarity with all workers and their bargaining rights

Unions exist as a mechanism for workers to organise, bargain and fight for their rights. The Coalition yet again put up another ridiculous motion demonising workers taking protected industrial action while bargaining for fair pay and conditions. 

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