Labor's moves on climate - is it enough?
Abigail spoke in Parliament on Labor's climate bill (in it's initial form before any Greens amendments!).
NSW still needs a climate change adaptation action plan
Abigail gave notice of a motion calling for the NSW Government to implement the Audit Office report's recommendations, including urgently delivering a climate change adaptation action plan for NSW. The former Coalition Government...
Who is to blame for environmental destruction?
Today in Parliament Abigail gave a speech about the (very few) differences between the major parties — and the (very many) differences between them and the Greens.
Both sides of politics vote against the Wamberal community
Today Abigail debated the matter of the horrendous Wamberal seawall proposal. Unfortunately both sides of politics maintained their refusal to listen to the science, which is so clearly telling us we need...
Media Release: Greens table petition for proposed Wamberal Beach seawall to be stopped immediately until community and environmental concerns are investigated
NSW Greens MP and spokesperson for the Central Coast Abigail Boyd has today tabled the “Stop Wamberal Beach Seawall” petition in NSW Parliament. The petition received 1,377 signatures in 3 weeks, and...
Media Release: EPA to prosecute Delta over Vales Point fish kill
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has commenced a prosecution against Sunset Power International Pty Ltd trading as Delta Electricity (Delta) in the Land and Environment Court in relation to a fish kill...
We can't have climate action without dismantling capitalism
The Greens interrupted business in the Upper House for a Matter of Public Importance - Labor's failure to act on climate. Read Abigail's speech.
Raising revenue by taxing the big end of town
We could raise billions if we taxed the coal industry properly.
Climate con-artists - Coalition’s offset scheme a dangerous deception
Once again, the Liberal-National Government is all talk and no substance when it comes to taking action on climate change. Launching the scheme, the Liberals said that it will help NSW reach...