My Work

Carers Week 2020

Today, in recognition of Carers Week 2020, Abigail passed a motion recognising the unpaid work of the 2.65 million carers across Australia and the need to meaningfully support people in these roles.

Racist Place Names

Today Abigail spoke in support of a motion that recognised the violent history NSW has against indigenous people, land and culture and the need to change offensive place names that idolise those who perpetrated historical violence and/or honour traditions or ideals that are symbolic of the dispossession of Aboriginal land. 

Fighting for Our Lives Book Launch

In recognition of the 35th anniversary of ACON and the publishing of Fighting for our Lives, today Abigail stood to speak in support of the work that ACON does and the ongoing relevance of it's mission for queer and gender diverse communities across the state.

Greens slam sham consultation process for Northern Rivers rail trail proposal

Following revelations from the former Mayor of Tweed that there was zero community consultation in her shire, the Greens are calling on the Liberal-National Coalition and the NSW Labor party to agree to an inquiry into the Bill that would see critical rail infrastructure in the Northern Rivers ripped up.

Meal on Wheels

Today Abigail spoke in support of a motion recognising the important contribution that Meals on Wheels makes to regional and rural communities. She paid particular tribute to the work of Ballina Greens MP Tamara Smith for her work in securing funding for the program locally.

Coastal Erosion

With the ongoing erosion of our beaches and coast line, today Abigail stood to speak of the need for a planned retreat. Especially in relation to areas on the coast like Wamberal who already face significant problems with properties along the coastline.

Police Amendment Promotions Bill 2020

Today Abigail stood in support of an amendment tabled by Greens NSW MP David Shoebridge. This amendment would ensure that police officers accused of sexual violence or harassment would not be promoted or appointed to senior positions and ensure that the NSW Police Force begins to seriously tackle the epidemic of sexual violence within it's ranks.

Liberal-National Coalition Dysfunction

While the Liberal-National Coalition is in complete dysfunction and fighting amongst itself there are over 900,000 people living in poverty in NSW alone. Today Abigail stood to speak of the need for a strong government that listens and respects the people it is meant to serve and to condemn the Liberals and Nationals for continuing to bicker instead of govern. 

Build World Class Rail, Not More Roads

Concerned with the NSW Government's plan to bulldoze historic Blue Mountain towns to duplicate the Great Western Highway, today Abigail tabled a motion calling for a serious investigation to be undertaken into moving more freight to rail before proceeding with construction.

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