In recognition of World Children's Day, Abigail passed a motion recognising the huge numbers of young people experiencing poverty and homelessness and the need to urgently fix this.
Ms ABIGAIL BOYD (10:02:34): I move:
(1)That this House notes that 20 November 2020 is World Children's Day.
(2)That this House acknowledges the importance of UNICEF and World Children's Day in raising awareness of the issues faced by children around the world.
(3)That this House notes that:
(a)there are more than 1.3 million children aged 14 and under in New South Wales;
(b)as of 2019 more than one in six children in New South Wales are living in homes below the poverty line;
(c)youth, defined as young people aged 12 to 24, make up one-third of all homeless people in New South Wales;
(d)youth homelessness increased by 50 per cent between 2011 and 2016;
(e)just 17 per cent of homeless children and teenagers have access to supported accommodation; and
(f)children have been hit particularly hard by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as lockdown and online learning.
(4)That this House affirms that:
(a)children are not responsible for their family's financial situation;
(b)childhood poverty has a lifelong impact on an individual's health and wellbeing;
(c)safe, reliable alternative housing is essential to support homeless teenagers and young adults;
(d)all children have the right to safe, affordable and high-quality education; and
(e)supporting children benefits them, their families, the economy and the community at large.
Motion agreed to.