We must fight to eliminate violence against women. Today in Parliament, Abigail urged all NSW MPs to sign the Domestic Violence NSW's Pledge to end DFV.
Abigail moved:
(1) That this House notes that:
- 2024 marks 50 years of the domestic and family violence (DFV) sector’s advocacy in providing services for victim-survivors experiencing DFV;
- on International Women’s Day, Friday 8 March 2024, Domestic Violence NSW (DVNSW) launched Australia’s first national Pledge to End Domestic and Family Violence, with Rosie Batty AO and Hannah Tonkin, NSW Women’s Safety Commissioner being amongst its first signatories; and
- in the last year alone, 21 women have been killed in domestic and family violence related deaths in NSW, according to advocacy group Counting Dead Women Australia;
(2) That this House further notes that those who sign the Pledge to End Domestic and Family Violence are pledging to:
- recognise the signs of domestic and family violence in all of its forms;
- respond to violence when seeing, hearing or recognising the signs;
- take action to engage in behaviour that leads by example; and
- recognise that understanding, knowledge and awareness leads to preventing domestic and family violence before it starts.
(3) That this House calls on all Members of the NSW Parliament to sign the Pledge to End Domestic and Family Violence, and calls on the NSW Government to commit to listen to the calls from the DFV sector and the community to take action and robustly invest in ending domestic and family violence.
Be part of the change and sign The Pledge