Healthy and informed sex education for kids and adolescents is vitally important

Dr Melissa Kang and Yumi Stynes' book "Welcome to Sex" was wrongly stripped from Big W shelves after conservatives launched an attack on teaching sex education to our children... Read what Abigail has to say.

Abigail gave notice of a Motion in Parliament, saying: 

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) Big W recently removed from its shelves all physical copies of the book entitled "Welcome to Sex" by Dr Melissa Kang and Yumi Stynes, supposedly after reports of employees being abused in stores,

(b) the book "Welcome to Sex" was written by experts in the field of sex education and was informed by 20 years of consultation with adolescents, including comprehensive interviews with young people and direct engagement with the magazine column entitled “Dolly Doctor” published in Girlfriend Magazine,

(c) comprehensive and informed sex education that begins during early childhood and continues throughout life is vital for encouraging healthy, safe and consenting sexual behaviours amongst young people and adolescents and increasing adolescents’ confidence and ability to make informed decisions, and

(d) the argument by conservative groups and individuals that categorises the book as “grooming” is not only factually incorrect but also waters down the reality of grooming and invalidates the experiences of victim-survivors.

(2) That this House:

(a) calls on Big W to immediately reverse its decision and put the book "Welcome to Sex" back on its shelves,

(b) calls on all retailers to ensure a safe working environment for their employees by utilising existing laws and rights to refuse entry to any person who is abusive or disrespectful, and

(c) re-affirms support for comprehensive, healthy and informed sex education that is available and accessible for all young people, adolescents, educators, parents and carers.


On the next sitting week, Abigail will attempt to pass her motion in Parliament. Stay tuned to see how this goes! 

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