Victim-survivor co-production of policy is vital

So much of our public policy doesn't listen to the voices and experiences of victim-survivors. We need to change this, and ensure the voices of victim-survivors are front and centre.

Abigail moved:

(1) That this House notes that according to ANROWS’ report entitled “Key findings for survivor co-production of public policy on gender-based violence” published in May 2023:

(a) victim-survivors with lived experience of gender based violence are increasingly wanting to be involved in developing and reforming public policy, asserting the vital significance and sheer power of victim-survivors’ lived experience, independence and positioning outside the regular policy-making context in shaping effective solutions, 

(b) survivor networks and collective action are invaluable to successful survivor advocacy, ensuring that a range of voices are heard and providing victim-survivors with peer support and independence,

(c) engaging survivors in the co-production of policies makes policies and services more relevant and improves their outcomes; however there is currently a gap between the promise of co-production in theory and what is actually delivered in practice, particularly when significant power imbalances exist between policymakers and service users,

(d) survivors from marginalised communities, including First Nations peoples, LGBTQIA+ people and people with disability, are unlikely to be heard through one-size-fits-all co-production approaches, and

(e) policy-makers and all levels of government should take urgent action to: 

(i) ensure co-production efforts support and encourage survivors’ independence, and invite victim-survivor networks to engage in genuine co-production efforts that respect and acknowledge the importance of their independence and promote unfettered survivor engagement, 

(ii) contribute funding to independent survivor networks to train and provide ongoing support to survivors involved in co-production and advocacy work, 

(iii) prioritise co-production with victim-survivors from marginalised and vulnerable communities by working with communities to establish survivor networks and develop tailored mechanisms to listen and respond to their experiences and distinct needs, 

(iv) support policy and co-production processes which value the role of victim-survivors within them and support trauma-informed development, training and support for victim-survivors, and 

(v) ensure all policy-makers working on co-production efforts with victim-survivors are properly trained in trauma-aware practice, managing vicarious trauma and access to ongoing mental health support.

(2) That this House calls on the NSW Government to commit to prioritising and funding co-production of services, initiatives and programs with victim-survivors that is genuine, trauma-informed and robust.

(Notice given 28 November 2023—expires Notice Paper No. 56)

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