Scathing parliamentary report reveals NSW government has failed to adopt a single one of NSW Chief Scientist’s recommendations

Today a scathing report was released by the parliamentary inquiry into the CSG industry in NSW detailing how the NSW Government has arguably failed to implement a single one of the NSW Chief Scientist’s 16 recommendations from 2015.

“16 recommendations by the NSW Chief Scientist and this government has arguably not fully implemented a single one of them.” said Abigail Boyd, Greens MP and spokesperson for Mining, Coal & CSG.

“This is the government that has told us time and time again to trust them. That they were implementing the NSW Chief Scientist’s 16 recommendations.

“Yet here we are - five years later - and this inquiry has revealed what community and environment groups have been saying all along, that this government wasn’t telling the truth.

“What’s more is that during the inquiry we discovered that not only have they not done the work, but also that they have little to no intention of doing it going forward.

“Once again the Liberals and Nationals are putting the short-term profits of the few, ahead of the interests and wellbeing of the many.”

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