NSW Parliamentary Inquiry Secured Into Property Acquisition Process

Following a number of controversial property acquisitions for proposed infrastructure by the NSW Liberal-National Government, today the Greens NSW secured a parliamentary inquiry into the process of acquiring land for major transport and infrastructure projects.

Abigail Boyd, Chair of the Transport & Customer Service Committee and Greens NSW Transport & Infrastructure Spokesperson says:

“Just last month we saw nine families in Jannali told, with very little notice and no prior consultation, that their homes would be demolished to make way for a commuter car park.

“This is not an isolated incident. We’re seeing it time and time again as transport and infrastructure projects under this Liberal-National Government tear through communities.

“That’s why I’m happy to announce that the Greens have secured a parliamentary inquiry into this government’s processes regarding property acquisitions and whether the impact of these activities is felt equitably among communities.

“We need to be assured that infrastructure projects are being designed and developed in the most sensitive and compassionate way possible, not resulting in windfalls for some while others struggle to find new housing.

“Over the next few months we’ll hear from residents, experts and government agencies about the current process and what needs to change to ensure that communities' needs are put front and centre.”

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