NSW Government refuses to commit to secure long-term funding for vital disability advocacy services.

The Ageing & Disability Commissioner Report into the ongoing funding of vital independent disability advocacy services was handed down today. But the Minister for Disability is still refusing to commit to fund these services past 2020.

“It is hugely encouraging to see that the Ageing & Disability Commissioner has clearly identified the need for independent disability advocacy services,” said Abigail Boyd, Greens MP and spokesperson for Disability.

“Further, the Commissioner clearly acknowledges that, at a bare minimum, the current funding levels need to be retained and increased.

“So to then have Minister Ward come out today and still refuse to fund these services beyond 2020 is a slap in the face for people with disability across NSW.

“This government looks like it is doing everything it can to stifle these organisations, despite them meeting a clear need that would otherwise remain unmet.

“This is the government that just wasted $828 million on a stadium demolition that didn’t need to happen. That blew the budget on the recent Sydney South East Light Rail by billions.

“But it refuses to commit $15 million annually to support the vital work that advocacy services provide to people with disability?”

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