Lake Macquarie Mining

Alarmed by reports that seismic testing was about to commence in Lake Macquarie with no community consultation, Abigail used Question Time to request information on what the Government was doing and whether it was taking onboard the strong community opposition to the project.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD (12:34:10): My question is directed to the Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Public Service and Employee Relations, Aboriginal Affairs, and the Arts, representing the Minister for Energy and Environment. The Lake Macquarie community has raised substantial concerns in relation to Centennial Coal conducting drilling and seismic testing in Lake Macquarie. Given the potential significant harm to wildlife from drilling and seismic testing, what steps has the Government taken to protect the Lake Macquarie wildlife and to consult with the Lake Macquarie community in relation to those concerns?

The Hon. DON HARWIN (Special Minister of State, Minister for the Public Service and Employee Relations, Aboriginal Affairs, and the Arts, and Vice-President of the Executive Council) (12:34:41): I thank Ms Abigail Boyd for her question and I will seek a response from the responsible Minister as quickly as it is possible.

Read the full transcript on Hansard here.

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