It wasn't all bad!

From the devastating bushfires through to the impacts of COVID-19, 2020 has undoubtedly been a tough year for all of us. 

And while most of us are pretty keen for the year to end, it’s worth reflecting on some of the good things that we’ve achieved here in parliament this year with your support.

From winning long overdue protections for victim-survivors of domestic abuse in court and introducing our plan to end poverty with the Universal Wellbeing Payment, all the way to exposing the toxic impacts of coal ash and finally securing ongoing funding for Disability Advocacy Services, 2020 has been a year with a lot of big wins.

We have been honoured to work with so many fantastic advocates and frontline workers to introduce two bills into parliament. Firstly, our Bill to criminalise coercive control and give all victims of domestic abuse protection under the law. And secondly, our Bill to ensure sex workers are free from discrimination and harassment simply for doing their job.

Our parliamentary work has secured reforms to the retirement village sector that will protect residents and ensure stronger transparency and accountability from operators, closed a loophole that allowed drivers of company vehicles to escape  penalty for dangerous driving, and celebrated the return of train services to the former Inner West Line.

And each of my Greens colleagues has been just as busy in their portfolio areas. Across our team this has been one of our best years yet – take that 2020!

As always, as we head into 2021 there is so much more to do and we just can’t do it without your ongoing support. So thank you to each and every one of you for all that you do in our struggle for a kinder, fairer world. I hope that you find time to rest, recover and regroup over the holidays.

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