The Transport & Customer Service inquiry into the Conversion of the Sydenham to Bankstown Line has found that the Metro South West should terminate at Sydenham, and that the final business case and cost-benefit analysis for the project must be immediately released.
Abigail Boyd, Transport & Customer Service Committee Chair & Greens Spokesperson for Transport & Infrastructure says:
“Our report released today says it loud and clear: the NSW Government must stop ripping up the Bankstown rail corridor. It must terminate the South West Metro at Sydenham and immediately release the final business case and cost-benefit analysis for the project.
“The case for the South West Metro project has not been made out. If the government was confident that the project would stand up to scrutiny, they would have released the full business case long ago.
“Our inquiry heard directly from the community - they don’t want to be forced to catch up to three trains just to get to work or university in the CBD.
“Spending billions to rip up existing rail services solely to replace them with slower privatised services is not money well spent.
“The South West Metro must terminate at Sydenham, with the billions saved being redirected into funding new rail links to communities in Sydney that currently have none.”