How many greyhounds need to die before Wentworth Park is shut down?

Today in Parliament, Abigail demanded the NSW Government terminate the lease at Wentworth Park before more greyhounds continue to die on the racetrack. 

Abigail gave notice of the following motion:

I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move: 

(1) That this House notes that:

  • two greyhounds have been killed racing on Wentworth Park track in the first two months of 2024, both killed within the space of two weeks, according to Stewards Reports from GWIC;
  • two-year-old Oceanside was euthanised by the on-track vet at Wentworth Park track after suffering fractures to their foreleg and hindleg while racing on 2 March 2024;
  • two-year-old Omega Texas was euthanised by the on-track vet at Wentworth Park track after suffering severe fractures to both forelegs from the first turn while racing on 17 February 2024;
  • 99 greyhounds have been injured at Wentworth Park track in the first two months of 2024, 17 of which were seriously injured;
  • the former Coalition Government announced that the Greyhound Breeders, Owners and Trainers Association’s (GBOTA) lease at Wentworth Park would be terminated and the land would be returned to the community when the lease expires in 2027; 
  • the inner-city community overwhelmingly do not want the Wentworth Park track to remain open beyond 2027, and yet despite this the NSW Labor Government has recently indicated they are still considering whether to approve GBOTA’s proposal to extend the lease beyond 2027; 
  • the Minister for Racing and Gambling, David Harris, in a Budget Estimates hearing on 22 February, admitted that “greyhound racing does not have a strong metropolitan base”, which aligns with evident community opposition to greyhound racing at Wentworth Park; and
  • the City of Sydney Council has publicly supported an end to greyhound racing at Wentworth Park and its conversion into shared green space for the community’s use.

(2) That this House calls on the NSW Government to commit to terminate the lease at Wentworth Park, and to convert the land into community-owned shared green space, in close consultation with the community. 

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