Greens secure funding for One Stop Shop disability clinic

Today in Parliament Abigail passed a call for NSW Health to fund on a trial basis the One Stop Shop disability clinic in Westmead Hospital, which is currently operated entirely by volunteers.

Abigail said:

(1) That this House notes the One Stop Shop clinic operated at Westmead Hospital, which serves adults with complex disabilities who have difficulty accessing basic health services, and further notes that:

(a) the clinic is unique in that it provides opportunistic sedation to patients, which allows the practitioner to conduct several examinations, investigations and treatments simultaneously;

(b) the clinic was established in 2020 by Dr Peter Smith, alongside Dr Rummana Afreen, after Dr Smith noted that people with complex disabilities were regularly presenting to emergency departments with otherwise preventable conditions;

(c) anecdotal evidence indicates that the clinic has directly prevented people from ending up in emergency departments, improved the quality of life of patients and prevented the development of more severe conditions;

(d) Dr Smith has noted that there is a significant gap in the health system that fails to provide reasonable health care to adults with complex disabilities;

(e) the clinic has been backed by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, which supports this model of opportunistic sedation to provide basic and essential health services to people with complex needs;

(f) the clinic is operated by volunteer clinicians on an ad-hoc basis and with limited resourcing; and

(g) the clinic was the subject of the ABC 7.30 report Minding the gap on 12 April 2023.

(2) That this House commends the important work of the One Stop Shop clinic and Dr Peter Smith, Dr Rummana Afreen, and all the health workers who volunteer their time with the clinic.

(3) That this House calls on the Minister for Health to:

(a) fund the One Stop Shop clinic on a trial basis with sufficient paid staffing and resourcing for formal evaluation, in consultation with Dr Smith; and

(b) consider long-term sustainable funding for this service and additional similar services across the State.


The motion passed unanimously! 

Read the full transcript in Hansard here.

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