Greens celebrate community win at Bylong

The NSW Independent Planning Commission has rejected the development of the a massive coal mine in Bylong valley near Mudgee because of significant concerns about environmental impacts, including on climate change, and the costs to future generations.

Greens NSW Upper House MP & Spokesperson for Mining, Coal & Gas Abigail Boyd said:

“The Greens are delighted with this decision to knock back this prehistoric project.

“We hope it represents a real change in how future coal projects are evaluated, with long-term impacts considered above short term gain.

“Following the Deputy Premier’s admission last week when I grilled him in budget estimates, that there was nothing that the mining act could do to stop the devastating environmental impacts of coal mines, the Greens welcome this decision by the independent planning commission on environmental grounds.

“This is a clear acknowledgement that coal mines are incompatible with protection of ground water, agriculture and local environment.

“I hope that Dominic Perrottet who last week admitted to being a ‘big supporter of coal’ reads the IPC statement about intergenerational equity and greenhouse gas impacts.

“It is future generations who will bear the costs of more coal mines in NSW and this government needs to now show real leadership and commit to investing in a jobs rich, vibrant renewable energy sector"

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