Ending Violence Against Sex Workers

Today Abigail brought to attention Friday 17 December which is International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers.

Abigail said: I move:

(1) That this House notes that Friday 17 December 2021 is International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers, a day which pays respect to sex workers impacted by marginalisation, victimisation and discrimination, and raises awareness for the urgent need to end violence against sex workers.

(2) That this House notes that, according to the Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association, which is the national peak sex worker organisation in Australia:

(a) there is a distinct lack of research into the reported and widespread unreported incidents of violence against sex workers within as well as outside of their place of employment;

(b) this violence is linked to the stigmatisation and exploitation of sex workers and alienation from police services; and

(c) this violence is linked to transphobia, racism, stigma and criminalisation of drug use and xenophobia, and cannot be ended without the ongoing comprehensive combating of these issues.

(3) That this House calls on the Government to recognise the discrimination and marginalisation faced by sex workers in their place of employment and in all facets of society, and to work toward ending violence against sex workers through comprehensive and sustainable funding for frontline crisis, counselling and legal services.


The full transcript can be found on Hansard, here.

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