Ending sexual assault on campus

Today in Parliament Abigail gave notice of a motion calling on the NSW Government to commit to eliminate sexual violence at all university campuses across NSW.

Abigail said:

I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

(1) That this House recognises that, according to the Sydney Uni Inaugural report into sexual misconduct: 

  • more than 100 staff and students at the University of Sydney were victims of sexual violence and harrassment in 2022, including 74 cases of sexual assault,
  • every week 275 students are sexually assaulted in university settings, and
  • these figures are likely to be hugely underreported, as the national university student survey on sexual assault and sexual harrassment by the Human Rights Commission confirmed that more than half of all university students experience sexual violence.

(2) That this House notes that: 

  • the University of Sydney is one of just a few institutions who are reporting on these statistics, in an attempt to destigmatise reporting, 
  • only a quarter of universities who have committed to reporting sexual violence are doing so adequately, and
  • it has been 2 and a half years since the March for Justice and yet sexual violence at universities is increasing.

(3) That this House calls on the NSW Government and all members in this place to commit to eliminate sexual violence at university campuses and across New South Wales.

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