DVNSW's Pre-Budget Submission

Today Abigail passed a call for the NSW Government to endorse DVNSW's pre-budget submission. 

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD (10:03): I seek leave to amend private members' business item No. 411 by deleting paragraph (3) and inserting instead:

(3)That this House calls on the Government to work with DVNSW to achieve the outcomes sought in its pre-budget submission.

Leave granted.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: Accordingly, I move:

(1)That this House notes that:

(a)Domestic Violence NSW [DVNSW] has published their pre-budget funding needs for 2023-24;

(b)these funding needs include:

(i)$145 million annual funding increase for the specialist domestic and family violence sector in New South Wales;

(ii)$20 million annual funding for sexual, domestic and family violence prevention initiatives in New South Wales;

(iii)$1.35 million annual funding for DVNSW to support a quality focused, trauma-informed, specialist domestic and family violence sector in New South Wales; and

(iv)$10 million investment to roll out specialist workers for children and young people in every frontline domestic and family violence service in New South Wales.

(2)That this House also notes that the funding priorities of the Women's Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service [WDVCAS] include:

(a)an increase to WDVCAS case baseline funding by 50 per cent or $16,441,250 per annum to accommodate increases in service demand, court delays and increased complexity in client matters;

(b)$89,258 for research with lived experience to inform future improvements to the court process for obtaining apprehended domestic violence orders; and

(c)an allocation of a total of $540,000 to the WDVCAS or $20,000 per WDVCAS site for brokerage.

(3)That this House calls on the New South Wales Government to work with DVNSW to achieve the outcomes sought in its pre-budget submission.

Motion agreed to.


See Hansard for the transcript here.

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