No track is a safe track - end greyhound racing in NSW once and for all

Even the so-called "safest" tracks are killing dozens of greyhounds and injuring countless more. Today Abigail called out the Labor Government's failure to listen to increasing demands to shut down greyhound racing.

Abigail gave notice of the following motion:

I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move: 

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) two year old Knighted Storm was euthanised by the on-track vet after suffering a neck fracture while racing at Wentworth Park on 14 November 2024, making them the fifth greyhound to be killed on-track at Wentworth Park this year following the deaths of Ruby’s Wish, Self Sink, Oceanside and Omega Texas, 

(b) since greyhound racing resumed in October 2016 after the NSW Government backflipped and reversed the greyhound racing ban, 34 greyhounds have been killed on-track at Wentworth Park, and another 32 dogs have been killed off-track after suffering injuries in their races. During this time, the surrounding community has increasingly called for the government to terminate the lease at Wentworth Park and allow the public to decide the future of the land, 

(c) within the last week alone, dozens of greyhounds have been injured while racing at Gosford and Richmond tracks, both of which, like Wentworth Park, have undergone costly track upgrades funded by the NSW Government to make them supposedly safe, 

(d) no track is a safe track for greyhounds, and it is unacceptable that the NSW Premier continues to affirm the NSW Labor Government’s support for the greyhound racing industry and ignore the insurmountable well-documented evidence of cruelty, corruption, malpractice and non-compliance, and 

(e) public pressure to shut down greyhound racing in NSW has surged in recent months, with various petitions signed, letters written to parliamentarians demanding action, and regular protests and rallies continuing to be organised and attended by countless people in the community, advocacy groups, activists and politicians. 

(2) That this House calls on the NSW Government to urgently shut down greyhound racing in NSW, close down all existing racing tracks and allow these spaces to be repurposed for community use.

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