The Greens demand a dedicated Minister for Disability

Today in Budget Estimates, NSW Premier Chris Minns acknowledged the Government's shortcomings in addressing the needs of the disability sector. Will he back his words with action and ensure the needs of the disability community are prioritised?

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: Can we talk about accessible housing? Why is it that the New South Wales Government is the only government bar one in the entire country that won't provide accessible housing in terms of minimum accessibility requirements under the National Construction Code? Every other State and Territory is able to do that but we have no guarantee of accessible housing in New South Wales. Why is that?

Mr CHRIS MINNS: Is this accessible housing for disabled citizens?

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: And older people and anyone who wants to live in their home for a longer period of time.

Mr CHRIS MINNS: That's a fair question. I'll have to take it on notice and come back to you.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: Thank you. Given the continuous failures of the previous Government, which we are now also seeing, unfortunately, under this Government, to provide adequately for people in disability in policy—I point also to the schools statement that came out that didn't even mention children with disability—is it not time now to have a separate Minister for disability in your Cabinet?

Mr CHRIS MINNS: I'd have to take that on notice. We have a colleague of ours, Liesl Tesch—

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: A fabulous person.

Mr CHRIS MINNS: —who's a fabulous person and a Parliamentary Secretary. I think if she was giving evidence to the Committee, she would say in all candour that Government needs to do more, to be honest. I take her criticisms, feedback—however you want to put it—very seriously. I know that it cannot be the case that this becomes a second-order issue or falls off the Government's busy agenda. I take what you say very seriously. I can assure you that at the highest levels of government we've got a passionate advocate who's demanding more.


Read the full transcript here.

21 February 2024

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