Ban the cruel practice of surgical artificial insemination in greyhounds

Today in Parliament, Abigail gave notice of a motion calling on the NSW Government to expedite the ban of surgical artificial insemination in greyhounds and prohibit the export of their reproductive materials.

Abigail said:

I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move: 

(1) That this House notes that: 

  • after years of overwhelming pressure from countless veterinary and scientific experts, animal welfare advocates and concerned members of the public, Greyhounds Australasia (GA) has resolved to prohibit the cruel and inhumane breeding practice known as surgical artificial insemination, which is used for over 80% of greyhound breeding in NSW, from January 2026, 
  • banning surgical artificial insemination is the very bare minimum that can and must be done to crack down on the unethical, cruel, inhumane and uncontrolled breeding practices that have become standard in the greyhound racing industry in the absence of strong regulation and truly independent and accountable oversight, 
  • surgical artificial insemination was one of six prohibited procedures proposed in the former NSW Coalition Government's draft Animal Welfare Bill 2022, before it was cowardly removed after pressure from the racing industry, 
  • the Australian Veterinary Association recommended in 2022 that all jurisdictions ban surgical artificial insemination by 1 January 2024, which governments comprehensively failed to act on. Allowing this cruel practice to continue until 2026 will see more greyhounds continue to suffer until then, and 
  • just as a ban on surgical artificial insemination is urgently needed, governments must also act to ban the export of all greyhound reproductive material including frozen greyhound semen which is commonly exported from Australia to facilitate large-scale breeding overseas, with the offspring used for racing or further breeding and often ending up in the international dog meat trade.

(2) That this House calls on the NSW Government to:

  • ban the use of surgical artificial insemination with prohibition date of 1 January 2025, a year earlier than the 2026 deadline set by Greyhounds Australasia, and 
  • ban the export of all greyhound reproductive material.


24 September 2024

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