How much money is the NSW Government spending on subsidies for weapons manufacturers?

Why won't NSW Labor answer the question? Today in Budget Estimates, Abigail pressed the Treasurer, again, on how much State funding is being allocated to subsidies for weapons manufacturing.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: One of the other questions I asked you about last time was in relation to how much money the Government is spending on subsidies for weapons manufacturers. You said you'd come back to me on notice but then, on notice, you came back saying that's a question more appropriately directed towards the Minister for Industry and Trade, who also can't answer my question. I also asked a bunch of questions of TCorp as to how much they were investing in weapons. I couldn't get any answers back. Does the Treasury know how much money the New South Wales Government is spending on weapons manufacturers?

The Hon. DANIEL MOOKHEY (NSW Treasurer): The predominant form of weapons procurement by the New South Wales Government is to purchase weapons for the NSW Police Force.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: No, I'm talking about the—

The Hon. DANIEL MOOKHEY: You asked me about weapons manufacturing.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: Yes, which is what's happening around—for example, we've just found out there is now a missiles manufacturing facility in—

The Hon. DANIEL MOOKHEY: I don't believe the New South Wales Government is buying missiles.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: No, that's not what I'm asking you.

The Hon. DANIEL MOOKHEY: But you're asking me how much we're spending on weapons manufacturing.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: I'm talking about how much you're spending on those weapons manufacturers in subsidies.

The Hon. DANIEL MOOKHEY: Sorry, I didn't hear the "subsidies" part of the question. I don't know.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: I'm not expecting you to be buying missiles.

The Hon. DANIEL MOOKHEY: Yes, I thought it was a bit surprising.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: I'm talking about the amount of New South Wales money that's directly going into weapons manufacturing.

The Hon. DANIEL MOOKHEY: Sorry, I didn't hear the term "subsidies," Ms Boyd. I don't know what we're providing in direct subsidies to weapon manufacturers or indirect subsidies to weapon manufacturers. I just don't know.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: That's not something that the Treasury has—

The Hon. DANIEL MOOKHEY: To the best of my regard, the quantum is either not known because we're not doing it or, if we are doing it, it's incidental to other programs that may be undertaken by the same company. I think part of the reason why you're struggling to get access to information is because, I think it is fair to say, the New South Wales Government's role here is pretty limited.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: Yes. In the past there have been a couple of weapons subsidy schemes. There's also been—

The Hon. DANIEL MOOKHEY: Do you have the name of the scheme?

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: I don't have it on me. I gave it to you last time in the last estimates.

The Hon. DANIEL MOOKHEY: We will look at the transcript from the last time. We'll see if we can find the name again and see if we can provide you with any further information.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: If you could give me any information on notice, that would be great.


29 August 2024

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