Rodent poison kills wildlife - ban SGAR poisons now!

Today in Parliament Abigail called on all members to support Animal Liberation's campaign, launched this morning, to ban deadly SGAR rodent poisons that infiltrate our environment and kill our wildlife.

Abigail said:

I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move: 

(1) That this House notes that: 

  • today, Thursday 26 September, Animal Liberation has launched a new public campaign against the sale, use and possession of second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs) in NSW, which includes:
    • a public education and awareness raising campaign on the harmful impact of SGARs on our environment including the deadly impact on native wildlife like the powerful owl, brushtail and ringtail possums,
    • a webpage with a report function for people to report SGARs in their local area, and
    • a petition addressed to NSW Parliament calling for a statewide ban on the sale, use and possession of SGARs along with a comprehensively resourced phase-out plan,
  • SGARs are used in common rodent poisons sold over the counter in Australian supermarkets like Ratsak and the Big Cheese, and are substantially more potent than first-generation anticoagulant rodenticides (FGARs) because they are slower to break down than FGARs and pose a higher risk of secondary poisoning to non-target animals,
  • SGARs work by preventing an animal’s blood from clotting and causing them to bleed out internally. Once a rodent, or oftentimes an unsuspecting possum, ingests the poison, not only does it die a painful death but the poison remains in the body long after it has died and then kills other animals who prey on the dead rodent or possum, such as owls, quolls, Tasmanian devils and eagles,
  • Australia is lagging behind the rest of the world by allowing these harmful poisons to be sold over the counter in supermarkets and with no regulation on their use or possession, with the United States, Canada and the European Union having imposed restrictions or bans on SGARs years ago,
  • many environmental scientists have conducted field studies confirming the tangible deadly impact of SGARs on native Australian wildlife, with studies finding the poison in 91 percent of brushtail possums tested, 74 percent of wedge-tailed eagles, and 92 percent of powerful owls, and
  • local councils across NSW are increasingly taking action against SGARs, including Tweed Council, Clarence Valley Council and Campbelltown Council which have all passed motions calling on the NSW Government to ban the use of SGARs, as well as City of Ryde Council which successfully passed a motion at the Local Government NSW 2022 Conference calling on the NSW Government to legislate to ban SGARs in NSW and advocate for a national ban on the retail sale of SGARs.

(2) That this House commends the work of Animal Liberation in raising awareness of the deadly impact of SGARs on Australia’s native wildlife and environment, and urges every Member to pledge support for this important campaign.


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26 September 2024

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