How many NSW courts have safe waiting rooms for victim-survivors of domestic and family violence?

During today’s Budget Estimates hearing, Abigail pressed the NSW Attorney General on whether safe waiting rooms will be implemented in all NSW courts, as promised by the previous government. 

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: We spoke last estimates about safe waiting rooms in courts for victim-survivors of domestic and family violence, in particular. I gave you examples of where, in some locations, the safe waiting place was sort of under a tree nearby as opposed to actually in the court. Where do we still have gaps in that system? How many of our courts now have a safe waiting room?

CHRIS D'AETH (Acting Deputy Secretary, Courts, Tribunals and Service Delivery, Department of Communities and Justice): In New South Wales, 78 per cent of courthouses are heritage listed, and 70 per cent are over 100 years old, as you might be aware.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: It sounds like an excuse coming.

CHRIS D'AETH: No. A small number of court locations are too small to include a dedicated safe room. Site constraints—such as lot size, room layouts and heritage and security considerations—can present difficulties. In some instances, the safe waiting area is offsite at the police station. Safe waiting arrangements are determined by considerable factors, including the size, the layout of the waiting area, access to sheriffs, location of security cameras that are monitored by the sheriffs and the use of monitoring and duress alarms.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: So we're not getting safe waiting rooms in every court. Is that what I'm hearing? Even under the last Government they committed to make that happen.

Mr MICHAEL DALEY (NSW Attorney General): I think I'll take that on notice.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: Thank you, if you could.


4 September 2024

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