Unions exist as a mechanism for workers to organise, bargain and fight for their rights. The Coalition yet again put up another ridiculous motion demonising workers taking protected industrial action while bargaining for fair pay and conditions.
Abigail said:
I have thought a lot about this motion. It is clearly coming from a political perspective that I am not sure I completely agree with. But there is a kernel of truth in some of this. I thought that the best thing to do would be to amend the motion. I move:
That the question be amended by omitting all words after "(1) That" and inserting instead:
This House notes:
(a) the Rail, Tram and Bus Union [RTBU] has been in protracted negotiations with the Government over the rail union's enterprise agreement, which expired six months ago;
(b) after labouring under a decade of lost wages under the repressive and arbitrary public sector wages cap, the RTBU is calling for a wages adjustment of 32 per cent over four years to finally go some way towards recognising their critical contribution to the smooth and efficient movements of our community; and
(c) the RTBU has expressed their deep frustration at the pace of negotiations for their new agreement, accusing the State Labor Government of "dragging their heels" in terms of responding to calls for better pay and conditions while their "members" pay has effectively gone backwards while Government and management twiddle their thumbs and constantly delay progress on the EA.
(2) That this House calls on the Government to:
(a) avoid forcing disruption of the public transport network through a failure to achieve a suitable agreement with the RTBU;
(b) properly engage in the bargaining process and work through the log of claims with the RTBU; and
(c) finalise the agreement as quickly as possible, on best possible terms available for these essential workers.
If the amendment was agreed to, The Greens would certainly support the motion. I thank the mover of the motion for bringing this issue to the attention of the House. It is not out of line to say that the union probably appreciates the member continuing to bring this matter to the attention of the House and putting pressure on the Government. I hope that we end up with a fair and decent agreement with the Rail, Tram and Bus Union posthaste.
The amendments were negatived by Labor and the Coalition, and then the Coalition's initial motion was also voted down.
Read the full debate in Hansard here.
13 November 2024