Protect our right to civil resistance for climate defence

Today in Parliament, the major parties teamed up with to continue pushing their fear-mongering, draconian, anti-protest agenda - this time directed at Rising Tide, the people's blockade. Abigail called out Labor’s hypocrisy and their continued climate wrecking actions. 

Abigail said:

This is a hysterical motion. I would love to see members in this Chamber come along to the Rising Tide protest on the weekend. It is not just fun, lighthearted and incredibly safe and organised, but it is also good for one's mental health. I am very concerned. The Labor Party needs to wake up. If the Government is not meeting people where they are, they will reject Labor at the next election. It is very serious. The vast majority of people in the State are concerned about climate change. This Government was supposed to be a great, shining light that would finally turn things around. Instead, it is a government that will not stop native forest logging and will not stop approving new coal and gas projects. In many respects, this Government is almost worse than the previous Coalition Government on some of those issues.

When people complain and try to tell the Government that it is not listening, they get a response like the one we just heard from the Minister—"We will not tolerate it." This State is more draconian than countries like Russia when it comes to our protest laws. Instead of unwinding those laws when it came to power, Labor is making them worse. The Government is telling people, "We will not tolerate your dissent. If you want to tell us how you feel about something, maybe write a letter—maybe. But don't do anything else. You can't protest. You can only protest in a State-sanctioned place. Don't protest near a metro station. Make sure that you're not using certain signs. We will not tolerate your dissent." That is what is said. That is the attitude of this Government, and that is why it is in real danger of losing the people who elected it. People elected this Government to take action on the things they care about. They care about climate action. Now, not only—

The Hon. Wes Fang (The Nationals): I think it's cost of living.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: Of course, it is cost of living as well. We can talk about economic destruction from climate change. But the Government is telling people, "No, no, no, be quiet." Then, on the one weekend when people actually get to be with other like-minded people to heal from a year of feeling gaslit and frustrated with the Government, the Government is saying, "We will not tolerate your dissent." That is disgusting.


Read the full debate in Hansard here.


20 November 2024

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