What will it actually cost to force public sector workers back to the office?

Today in Parliament, Abigail grilled Labor on the extra cost-of-living burden they're foisting on public sector workers by forcing them back to the office full time.

Abigail said:

My question is directed to the Special Minister of State. At a time when the New South Wales Labor Government is presenting a pay offer below the rate of inflation—in effect, a real‑terms pay cut—what consideration was given to the additional cost-of-living imposition on public sector workers as a result of the Government's unilateral decision to direct workers back to the office after years of successful working-from-home arrangements?

The Special Minister of State provided a lacklustre response, to which Abigail asked another question:

I ask a supplementary question. The question I asked was about the additional cost-of-living imposition on public sector workers. I ask the Minister to clarify what consideration was given to, for example, the additional cost of travel or having carer responsibilities et cetera when issuing the directive.

To which the Minister took the question on notice.


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