Proper funding for specialist frontline DV services

Abigail called on the Government to urgently increase funding across the domestic and family violence sector to support the incredible work that specialist frontline services do. 

Abigail said:

(1) That this House notes that, according to Domestic Violence NSW [DVNSW] in the report entitled The impact of the 2021 Greater Sydney COVID-19 lockdown on specialist domestic and family violence services and their clients, published in August 2021:

(a) since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a significantly increased demand on domestic and family violence [DFV] services and a heightened complexity of the types of cases, with 78 per cent of services agreeing that they have seen this increase in demand;

(b) the DFV sector is experiencing difficulty in securing staff across the state, particularly in regional and rural areas;

(c) waitlist times and lengths have increased significantly amongst services and is impacting quality of services and supports; and

(d) significant resources are needed across the DFV sector to provide high quality, consistent and robust support and services to victim-survivors across New South Wales, particularly in relation to marginal and vulnerable individuals who are disproportionately affected by domestic and family violence.

(2) That this House calls on the New South Wales Government to commit to increase long-term sustainable funding across the domestic and family violence sector to meet the increasing demands for specialised services, support and resources, including specific investment in early intervention and crisis supports.


You can find the full transcript on Hansard, here.

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