Premier Has Failed the Aged Care Sector

“Deaths and despair”:  Premier’s failure to heed advice of aged care sector may have resulted in 100s of deaths

In an exchange with Greens MP Abigail Boyd, leaders in the aged care sector have given extraordinary evidence that laid responsibility for hundreds of deaths in aged care at the feet of the NSW government. During today’s Pandemic Oversight Inquiry hearing, witnesses stated in no uncertain terms that, not only should Perrottet have held off opening up in the face of the growing Omicron outbreak, but that the Perrottet Government ignored the pleas of the sector to do so. 

The clip can be viewed here

Abigail Boyd, Greens MP and Older People spokesperson, said:

“We have learnt today that many of the tragedies impacting on the aged care sector could have been avoided. Because of the NSW Liberal-National government’s failure to heed the advice of the aged care sector, which warned in early December that it was entirely unprepared to cope with the impact of Omicron if restrictions were lifted, lives were needlessly put at risk. 

“Hundreds of deaths may have been avoided if the Premier had listened to the aged care sector. NSW deserves a Premier who will look after our most vulnerable people, not one who will sacrifice them for political gain.

“I don’t say this lightly. If what we’ve been told today is accurate, there is blood on the hands of this Government.”


For further comment: Alysha Hardy 0477 071 987

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