Commending the expert services of the Pottsville Beach Neighbourhood Centre

Today in Parliament, Abigail passed a motion acknowledging the vital and socially inclusive frontline support services provided by the Pottsville Beach Neighbourhood Centre provide for people with disability, victim-survivors of domestic and family violence, those experiencing homelessness and people affected by climate related disasters. 

Abigail said:

I move: 

(1) That this House notes that:

  • Pottsville Beach Neighbourhood Centre provides critical socially inclusive frontline support services to people with disability, victim-survivors of domestic and family violence, people experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity and people affected by climate disasters like floods and bushfires; 
  • Pottsville Beach Neighbourhood Centre services vulnerable people experiencing social, economic and or geographic disadvantage and are often the first service that these vulnerable people engage with when seeking help, and works in partnership with key departments, agencies, community alliances and other local organisations to improve the long-term wellbeing and resilience of the community; 
  • key services that Pottsville Beach Neighbourhood Centre provides include specialist domestic and family violence services, trauma-informed counselling and care, flood recovery programs, financial counselling, child and family support services and referral services; and 
  • without core funding from government, Pottsville Beach Neighbourhood Centre relies on ad hoc funding streams and community fundraising to support the organisation’s critical frontline work. 

(2) That this House commends the work of those at Pottsville Beach Neighbourhood Centre who provide dedicated expert support services for vulnerable people in the Tweed Coast and surrounding community. 

Read the full transcript in Hansard here.

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