The Greens will always stand with unions and the workers they represent, no matter the government of the day

Today Abigail secured critical amendments to a Labor government bill, to secure union representation on the Maritime Advisory Council, and to ensure workers maintain their industrial right to organise by removing provisions that would have allowed private port operators to issue penalties to individuals obstructing ports at their own discretion.

Abigail said:

I move The Greens amendments Nos 1 and 2 on sheet c2024‑155B in globo:

No. 1 Maritime Advisory Council

Page 23, Schedule 2. Insert before line 1—

[37A] Section 34 Maritime Advisory Council

Omit section 34(2). Insert instead—

(2) The members of the Maritime Advisory Council are to be appointed by the Minister in accordance with the regulations, and must include—

(a) a union representative for port workers, and

(b) a union representative for crew of vessels operating in NSW ports.

No. 2 Penalty notice offences

Page 33, Schedule 3[11], lines 8 and 9 including the matter relating to section 39(1). Omit all words on the lines.

As the Parliamentary Secretary flagged in his speech in reply during the second reading debate, The Greens are moving these two amendments after further discussions with the Maritime Union of Australia [MUA]. I thank the MUA for its considered input into this bill. I also thank the Minister and the Minister's office for their willingness to negotiate with us on this issue. In the interests of time, I will be quick. The first amendment picks up on a recommendation that the MUA made about the composition of the Maritime Advisory Council. It ensures that the members of the Maritime Advisory Council would include a union representative for port workers as well as a union representative for crew of vessels operating in New South Wales ports. The second amendment recognises the dangers of permitting a private port operator to directly issue infringement notices that could then result in a criminal offence. It removes the part of the bill that would put that into the regulations as a criminal offence. We thank the Government for recognising the need to have another think about this. I thank the Minister and her office for working with us on the amendments.

The Hon. MARK BUTTIGIEG replied: 

The Government supports both amendments. The first amendment provides for union representation on the consultative body. In relation to the second amendment, the Government acknowledges the union feedback that the authorisation of private port operators to issue penalty infringement notices does need careful consideration. Therefore, we accept the amendment to remove schedule 3 [11] regarding penalty notice offences from the bill. We thank the member for her constructive input.


The amendments were agreed to.


Read more about the Ports and Maritime Administration Amendment Bill 2024.


17 September 2024

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