Alarmed at reports that families are being forced to relinquish care of children with a profound disability under the NDIS, Abigail demanded to know what the Government was doing to address the issue.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD (16:23): My question without notice is directed to the Minister for Finance and Small Business, representing the Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services. As reported inThe Saturday Paper, across Australia currently at least 500 children's families have been forced to relinquish the care of their children with profound disability due to an ongoing disagreement over funding between State governments and the National Disability Insurance Agency. Given that the National Disability Insurance Scheme was introduced to ensure that every individual with a physical or intellectual disability was fully supported with appropriate care and services, what steps is the New South Wales Government taking to ensure that the problem is addressed immediately?

The Hon. DAMIEN TUDEHOPE (Minister for Finance and Small Business) (16:23): I thank the honourable member for her question. She would not be surprised that I am not in a position to give her a specific answer. As the question relates to the portfolio of a Minister in the other place, I am happy to facilitate a reply.

Read the full transcript on Hansard here.

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