Commending the work of the Mullumbimby and District Neighbourhood Centre

Today in Parliament, Abigail passed a motion recognising the incredible and essential frontline services the Mullumbimby and District Neighbourhood Centre provides for people in their community facing situations like DFV, homelessness and climate disasters.

Abigail said:

I move: 

(1) That this House notes that:

  • Mullumbimby and District Neighbourhood Centre is a locally based community managed organisation that provides essential frontline support services to vulnerable people, including victim-survivors of domestic and family violence, people experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity, young people with disability and people affected by climate disasters;
  • Mullumbimby and District Neighbourhood Centre has experienced a 60% increase in referrals since 2022, following the catastrophic floods across the Northern Rivers;
  • Mullumbimby and District Neighbourhood Centre provides a variety of funded and unfunded services, including specialist domestic and family violence services, crisis housing support, financial counselling, flood recovery programs, community meals and social inclusion activities; and 
  • without core funding from government, Mullumbimby and District Neighbourhood Centre relies on ad hoc funding streams and community fundraising to support the organisation’s critical frontline work. 

(2) That this House commends the dedicated work of all those at Mullumbimby and District Neighbourhood Centre who provide expert care and support for vulnerable people in the community.

Read the full transcript in Hansard here.

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