Inquiry into the Sydenham-Bankstown Line Conversion

A NSW Upper House committee has commenced an inquiry into the planned conversion of the Sydenham-Bankstown Line from heavy rail to metro. The inquiry, chaired by Greens MP Abigail Boyd, will examine decision making in relation to the transport project, including whether alternatives were considered to improve capacity and reduce congestion on that line.

It will also consider the adequacy of the NSW Government's business case and viability of metro. Other issues the committee will consider include community consultation and information in relation to the project, and the impact of the project on the environment and heritage conservation.

The adequacy of transport arrangements during the conversion process will also be scrutinised, given sections of the line will be shut over the holiday period for the next few years, forcing thousands of commuters to use buses.

The Chair, Ms Abigail Boyd MLC, said: 'Given the huge impact this planned conversion will have on commuters, it is critical that the committee carefully consider the NSW Government's business case and management of this project to date. We also understand that there are concerns related to contractual arrangements for this project, and our inquiry will be important in exploring all of these issues'.

Submissions are open until 4 October 2019. Hearings are anticipated to commence in November, with the committee then due to report by the end of March 2020.

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