What exactly is the Department of Education's "inclusive education unit"?

Today, in Budget Estimates, Abigail continued to pick apart Labor's disappointing response to the Disability Royal Commission, inquiring about s so called "inclusive education unit" which isn't even a unit.

The CHAIR (Abigail Boyd): In the New South Wales Government's response to the Disability Royal Commission recommendations, there was reference made to an inclusive education unit, which performs education support functions, including advising educational authorities, educational institutions and principals on inclusive education issues. This was news to a lot of people that I've spoken with. What is this unit? Who manages it right now? Where does it sit?

MARTIN GRAHAM (Acting Deputy Secretary NSW Department of Education): It's a unit that sits within Teaching, Learning and Student Wellbeing and advises schools on inclusive education practices and advises the department on our policies. It oversees advice to the Minister around these policies and around commissions and inquiries such as the royal commission.

The CHAIR: When was it established?

MARTIN GRAHAM: The department has, certainly in my memories, always had something like this. It would've been called different things over different periods of time, but there's always been an area that provided that kind of advice. Certainly to my knowledge, since 2005—Disability Discrimination Act—would've been increased emphasis and focus on that.

The CHAIR: Is it called a unit? Does it have an official name?

MARTIN GRAHAM: Yes. All kind of areas of the department are often a directorate or a unit.

The CHAIR: How long's it been called a unit?

MARTIN GRAHAM: I'd have to go back and check to see how long it's been called a unit.

The CHAIR: Does it get any specific funding?

MARTIN GRAHAM: Certainly. It's funded. It's not an independent body. It doesn't have an independent board. It's part of the department, so it's funded mainly through its staffing.

The CHAIR: How many people work in it?

MARTIN GRAHAM: I can take that on notice and come back to you with that.

The CHAIR: Thank you. If you could let me know how many people and what their qualifications are, that would be useful. It's not mentioned on the website or anywhere, which is interesting.


27 August 2024

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