Greens call for review into cosmetic surgery industry

Abigail passed a motion calling for the Government to review legislation governing the cosmetic health industry, in light of the recent 60 Minutes episode that revealed a plethora of gaps in the sector.

Abigail said:

(1) That this House notes that the 2018 Inquiry into Cosmetic Health Service Complaints in New South Wales recommended that the Minister for Health pursue and examine issues within the cosmetic health industry relating to reforming the Health Care Complaints Commission powers, titles of medical practitioners and informing and protecting the public.

(2) That this House notes that according to the joint major investigation by60 Minutes,The Sydney Morning Herald andThe Age aired on 9 June 2022:

(a) evidence, research, advice from industry specialists and witness testimonies indicate that the cosmetic surgery industry is in urgent need of reform as an emerging industry; and

(b) a lack of strict oversight and regulation has led to an increase in dangerous procedures and practices being completed by "cosmetic surgeons", which has sparked concerns about patient safety and unlawful actions of cosmetic health service providers.

(3) That this House calls on the Government to review legislation concerning the cosmetic health industry and make changes in line with the recommendations of the 2018 Inquiry into Cosmetic Health Service Complaints in New South Wales, and to advocate strongly for national reform of industry regulation and oversight.

Motion agreed to.


For the full transcript, see Hansard here.

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