Eraring Power Station

Today in Question Time, Abigail asked whether the Government would be informing the public about the amount they would be required to pay for Eraring Power Station’s ash dam contamination.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD (16:20:45): My question is directed to the Minister for Finance and Small Business, representing the Treasurer. In 2013 the State entered into the ash dam indemnity deed in relation to the sale of the Eraring Power Station under which the Government agreed to reimburse Origin Energy for costs involved in extending its ash dam capacity in certain circumstances. Will the Minister inform the House how much the Government will be required to pay in connection with that deed in relation to Origin Energy's latest proposed extension of the Eraring ash dam, which the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment has recently recommended for approval?

The Hon. Shayne Mallard: Point of order: I seek clarification on anticipation. There is an inquiry into the issue and government cost for remediation. I am not seeking to have the question ruled out of order. I want clarification as to whether you can ask the question.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: To the point of order: This is a completely unrelated issue. It is not connected to the ash dam inquiry.

The Hon. Adam Searle: To the point of order. The rule against anticipation applies only to legislation.

The PRESIDENT: Standing Order 65 (4) states: 

Questions must not anticipate discussion upon an order of the day or other matter on the Notice Paper, except an item of private members' business outside the order of precedence or an order of the day relating to the budget estimates. 

It does not talk about committees. The question is in order. The Minister has the call.

The Hon. DAMIEN TUDEHOPE (Minister for Finance and Small Business) (16:22:40): I thank Ms Abigail Boyd for her question. Unsurprisingly, I do not have those particulars at my fingertips. I will refer the question to the Treasurer to provide an answer.

Read the full transcript on Hansard here.

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