Greens condemn the NSW and Federal Labor Governments pitiful response to the Disability Royal Commission

Today in Parliament, Abigail criticised the Labor Government for their paltry response to the Disability Royal Commission and their betrayal of the disability community.

Abigail said:

I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

(1)     That this House notes that:

  • after over five years of the Disability Royal Commission hearing from over 10,000 people with disability and their loved ones sharing harrowing evidence of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation, the NSW and Federal Labor Governments have utterly failed people with disability in our community by delivering insulting and lacklustre responses to the royal commission’s recommendations for change,
  • after over nine months of consideration, the Australian Government has only accepted 13 recommendations out of the 222 recommendations, which is less than 6%, and the NSW Government has only accepted 9 out of the 222 recommendations, around 4%. This is woefully inadequate and a complete betrayal to all those who bravely shared their stories, and reflects the deep rooted ableism embedded in our society and across all levels of decision making,
  • Prime Minister Anthony Albanese did not even bother to attend the press conference announcing the Australian Government’s response, despite the Prime Minister so often being the face of many royal commission responses, and
  • people with disability, their representatives, advocates, allies and experts have taken to the media to call out the government responses, calling it lacklustre, disappointing, insulting, devastating, a failure of leadership and a betrayal.

(2)    That this House condemns the failure of the NSW and Federal Labor governments to listen to the voices of people with disability and their representatives who have been screaming for targeted action for years, and calls on all levels of government to stand up and finally take action to ensure genuine inclusion and access, and a life free from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation for people with disability in our community.


6 August 2024

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