A measly $1 million! Why do consecutive governments continue to neglect proper funding for people with disability and hinder actual inclusion?

Today in Budget Estimates, Abigail confronted the NSW Treasurer over the disgraceful lack of new funding for the disability sector in the recent State Budget.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: Treasurer, we were talking earlier about my concerns with this budget having very little for people with disability in our State. In fact, I think there was that $1 million in extra taxi subsidy that we could find and that was about it. Did people in Cabinet not come and actually ask for money for people with disability or was it rejected?

The Hon. DANIEL MOOKHEY (NSW Treasurer): ... I would make the point, when it comes to disability, there are other initiatives I would point to. Firstly, the refuelling of the budget available for the Transport Access Program is one example. Another example, of course, is the provision of additional assistance in our education system for kids who have a disability.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: Sorry, can we go back to that first one? The Transport Access Program is the one that people with disability are a bit frustrated with because it has been over 20 years since we signed up to the Federal agreement to make all of our transport accessible. This was merged with the car park program, I understand, and now it's very unclear for us to see what exactly is—

The Hon. DANIEL MOOKHEY: My best recollection is that the TAP is still a program. It's in isolation and we continue to fund it. I'll happily come back to you on detail on that.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: Was there an increase in funding?

The Hon. DANIEL MOOKHEY: Certainly in the last budget, yes. Let me check the details, but I'm fairly positive, from memory, that this is one of those projects that was slated to be on a fiscal cliff. We were happy to be in a position to provide it with additional resources. But I accept this it's a very important program that has led to people having more access to public transport. To be fair to the Transport Access Program, it should be a continuous program. It should be going for 20 years. It should be going for more than 20 years.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: No, but it didn't get started for at least 20 years. I understand that you weren't in—

The Hon. DANIEL MOOKHEY: I've only been in Treasury for 15 months.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: I know. We did have a Labor Government in some of that time, and they didn't do anything either.

The Hon. DANIEL MOOKHEY: Ms Boyd, maintain your rage, as one Labor leader put it. I would make the point that, well and truly, I think you and I both agree how important that program is. Let me see if I can get you additional information about disability communities in the budget. We'll see if we can track down a more specific list of information for you on that.


29 August 2024


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