Greens stand in solidarity with Australian-Kurdish activist Cigdem (Lenna) Aslan

Today in Parliament, Abigail gave notice of a motion calling on the Australian Government to advocate for the immediate release of Australian-Kurdish activist Cigdem (Lenna) Aslan who was unjustly arrested in Turkey in September.

Abigail said:

I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move: 

(1) That this House notes that: 

  • on Sunday 15 September, Australian-Kurdish activist Cigdem (Lenna) Aslan was arrested by the Turkish state at Istanbul Airport while on her way back to Australia;
  • the Australian Kurdish Federation and many within the Kurdish community in Australia have condemned the arrest of Lenna as unjust, and have pointed out that this is just one of the cases of the many Kurds being wrongly persecuted by the Turkish state simply for advocating for Kurdish liberation and justice;
  • Lenna is a highly respected Australian-Kurdish activist who has been a strong advocate for multiculturalism and community and refugee rights in Australia. Lenna has long fought for a peaceful political solution to the Kurdish question in Turkey, rightfully calling out injustice and standing firmly for peace; 
  • it is a core democratic right to engage in peaceful protest, which in this case is calling out a regime that has categorically restricted the human and political rights of Kurdish people, and the response by the Turkish state to arrest and intimidate individuals for doing so is unjust; and 
  • the categorisation by the Australian Government of the Kurdistan Freedom Movement (PKK) as a terrorist organisation has perpetuated injustice against the Kurdish diaspora in Australia and overseas. Removing the group from this list would send a strong signal that Australia stands in solidarity with Kurds everywhere and recognises their right to justice and peace. 

(2) That this House:

  • stands in solidarity with Lenna and her right to justice, freedom and safety; and
  • calls on the Australian Government to advocate for the immediate release of Cigdem (Lenna) Aslan in accordance with international law, and ensure her safe return to Australia.


15 October 2024

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