Abigail passed a motion today calling on the Government to actively condemn all acts of sexual violence in conflict, and noting the disproportionate impact on women and girls.
Ms ABIGAIL BOYD (10:17): I move:
(1) That this House notes that 19 June 2022 is International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, and that:
(a) women and girls are disproportionately affected by acts of violence in conflict and subjected to heinous sexual violence crimes, including sexual slavery, sexual and labour exploitation, forced prostitution, pregnancy or abortion, and forced marriage;
(b) sexual violence crimes are not a by-product of conflict and include the deliberate targeting of individuals for acts of violence outside the scope of military operations;
(c) sexual violence crimes in conflict are severely underreported, which makes it harder to seek justice for the victims and to distinguish gender-based violence [GBV] from other forms of violence; and
(d) victims of sexual violence are faced with inadequate law enforcement protection, lack of access to trauma recovery services, and social barriers to living free of shame and stigma.
(2) That this House notes that United Nations Women conducted a Rapid Gender Analysis [RGA] to gauge the extent of gender-related conflict in Ukraine and found that:
(a) 90 per cent of refugees who are internally displaced or fleeing for neighbouring countries are women and children;
(b) the military conflict in Ukraine exacerbated the sexual harassment of women and girls in public spaces;
(c) there are increased calls reporting rape crimes committed on Ukrainian women and girls, and more calls reporting rape crimes on men and boys; and
(d) human trafficking is showing a surge in conflict-affected areas of Ukraine, with reports of more minors going missing and increased kidnappings.
(3) That this House calls on the New South Wales Government to actively condemn all acts of sexual violence in conflict and to cooperate with international organisations and human rights groups to provide support for the victims and work towards the elimination of all gender-based violence in conflict.