Greens continue to fight to block Coalition Government's draconian anti-protest laws
Abigail demanded transparency from the Minister for Roads, questioning whether the Government received any external legal advice before ramming through anti-protest laws.
We need a Minister who can get the trains running
The Greens NSW condemn the Perrottet government’s handling of industrial negotiations with train workers.
This week Abigail is chairing a parliamentary inquiry into the impact of the NSW Liberal-National Government's acquisition of land for transport projects.
Western Harbour Tunnel and Beaches Link: Environmental and Health Impacts
In today's hearing for the inquiry into the Western Harbour Tunnel, Abigail raised with bureaucrats the significant environmental impacts in relation to the tunnel and link.
Western Harbour Tunnel and Beaches Link: Impact on Marine Life
In today's hearing for the inquiry into the Western Harbour Tunnel, Abigail quesitoned the marine risks that the tunnel poses...
WestConnex headphones limiting compensation and accountability for impacted residents
In Budget Estimates last week, Abigail asked about the bizarre move by WestConnex to send noise-cancelling headphones and respite deeds to impacted residents. These deeds limit the ability of residents to seek...
Down with the aquatic monument to James Cook
Last week in Budget Estimates, Abigail asked about proposed plans at the site of invasion of Australia for ferry wharves and an "aquatic monument" to James Cook.
Keep Our Land In Public Hands
Abigail spoke briefly today in support of a motion to recognise the alarming increase in privatisation of public land under the NSW Liberal-National Government.
Greens to Chair Inquiry on Economic Impacts of Toll Roads
NSW Greens MP Abigail Boyd will be chairing a new parliamentary inquiry into the economic impacts of toll roads in NSW. The inquiry will look into the impact of Sydney's toll roads...
NSW Parliamentary Inquiry Secured Into Property Acquisition Process
Following a number of controversial property acquisitions for proposed infrastructure by the NSW Liberal-National Government, today the Greens NSW secured a parliamentary inquiry into the process of acquiring land for major transport...