Has GWIC turned a blind eye to the impact of children's exposure to animal abuse on the racetrack?

Today in Budget Estimates, Abigail challenged Steve Griffin, CEO of the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission and the Minister for Gaming and Racing, David Harris, on the lack of measures in place to safeguard children who are working on racetracks from the danger of gambling and animal abuse.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: I understand, Mr Griffin, that GWIC lowered the greyhound racing participation age to 12. When did that happen?

STEVE GRIFFIN: In 2022, probably.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: Those children will be exposed, obviously, to an environment of gambling. But also I understand they'll be working, or are working, in the catching pens where many of the deaths and injuries happen. Often there are a lot of quite confronting scenes where greyhounds are, with bones protruding and screaming and broken spines, broken limbs. Was any research or any consideration given to the psychological impact on children exposed to those injuries and deaths?

STEVE GRIFFIN: No, there was no research done. The age for the associate attendant—the ages 12 to 14—is designed basically for those young people that have parents already in the sport. 

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: So they've already been traumatised.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: Minister, did the New South Wales Government get any advice about liability for future gambling or other psychological problems that these children might face in the future?

Mr DAVID HARRIS: I can take that on notice but not that I'm aware of.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: Mr Griffin, how many investigations are underway into assaults on children at greyhound tracks?




Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: Or any that you know of? Are there police investigations you know of in relation to assaults on children?

STEVE GRIFFIN: There is a police investigation into relation to a matter, yes.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: Can you give me any more details about that?

STEVE GRIFFIN: I cannot. It's currently before the courts.

Ms ABIGAIL BOYD: Do you think that racetracks are a safe place for children as young as 12 to be?

STEVE GRIFFIN: Generally in what I can see, yes.


Read the full transcript here.


22 February 2024 

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