Greens call on the NSW Government to fund animal rescue, rehabilitation, release and rehoming organisations

Today in Parliament, Abigail gave notice of a motion urging Labor to commit to core funding for community-led, frontline animal welfare organisations.

Abigail said:

I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move: 

(1) That this House notes that:

  • community-led animal welfare organisations carry out vital frontline work every day for animals, including through animal rescue, veterinary care and treatment, recovery and rehabilitation, release, rehoming, research, community engagement and education efforts; 
  • in the absence of government leadership, funding or an independent body responsible for the welfare of all animals in NSW, the community members who run these organisations dedicate their time, expertise and often money to care for vulnerable animals who are injured, sick, neglected, abused, abandoned or surrendered; 
  • without core funding countless organisations are forced to rely entirely on fundraising, ad-hoc pools of grant funding from various levels of government, the generosity of community volunteers and donations which is an unsustainable way to operate critical frontline organisations; and
  • current funding mechanisms for animal welfare in NSW mean that these critical community-led organisations are not considered in the Budget for core funding, which overlooks their importance and value and places enormous financial stress on the community. 

(2) That this House calls on the NSW Government to commit to core funding for animal rescue, rehabilitation, release and rehoming organisations in the 2024-25 Budget, to ensure that these critical not-for-profit community-led organisations are adequately supported and resourced to carry out their frontline work.

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